普林斯顿大学张富民(Fumin Zhang)博士来访

编辑:admin 时间:2007年07月27日 访问次数:3175

应浙江省综合信息网技术重点实验室徐文教授邀请,普林斯顿大学张富民(Fumin Zhang)博士分别在信电系和控制系做了两场精彩的学术报告。723日,张博士在信电系以“Adaptive Ocean Sampling and Prediction”为题做了报告,论述了利用水下自治机器人(glider feet)传感器平台对海洋环境参数(海流等)进行自适应采样,通过吸收采集的实时数据对海洋模型进行调整,最后利用模型实时分析和预报海洋动态信息。同时,通过仿生物技术开发的软件平台对水下传感器网络进行协同控制,以达到环境参数的最优采样。讲座由徐文教授主持,黄所长等老师听取了张博士的报告。724日,在控制系,张博士做了“Collaborative Exploration Using Robotic Sensor Platforms”的报告,重点对传感器网络的协同控制和最优采样技术进行了详细的论述。上述两场报告使师生们对传感器网络控制技术、水下自治机器人以及海洋建模和实时预报等方面在国际上的最新发展有了一定的了解和掌握。在两场报告中同学们反应热烈,张博士热情而坦诚地回答了师生们的问题,讲座在轻松友好的气氛中进行。





Fumin Zhang is currently a lecturer and postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University. He will be an assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology after 15 Aug, 2007.  He obtained a Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park where he also worked for the Institute for Systems Research.  His B.S. and M.S. degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, are from Tsinghua University in Beijing. He is a member of IEEE, AIAA, SIAM and NYAS.  His research interests include sustainable motion and sensing for systems in complex environments, long endurance robotic sensor platforms, collaborative exploration and geometric system theory.